Author Archives:

The beautiful Tiana

I’m finally trying to catch up a little bit on my blogging and posting some photos that I’ve taken since

En attendant Chéli…

J’ai eu le plaisir de photographier une belle famille juste avant la naissance de leur petite Chéli, qui vient

Emily Violet

One of my closest friends gave birth during this year’s super bowl, I’ll never forget the email we got

The Lipscombes

My husband Matt Lipscombe and his cousin Andrew have formed a kind of folky blues duo named “The

Cover Shot of Oh Bebe 2009!

I’m so proud to say that once again this year I got the cover of Oh! Bebe, the baby magazine for Montreal pour

Les Effrontés – Group Shot in March

Les Effrontés, a studio of stylists who can make you look absolutely fabulous, from head to toe! This is my third year

Moe Clark – photo featured in the Montreal Mirror

One fine evening in Mont Tremblant – thanks to the wonderful warmth of host Holly Freisen – I got a chance

Annie Leibovitz

  photo: Annie Leibovitz I know that this blog of mine is usually reserved to recent photo sessions and the likes but I

Adorable Ilona and her little brother Aatos!

A few pics from my session with two gorgeous little kids who were so lively and full of energy, they were bouncing off

Dolce Press – beautiful work!

photo: Dolce Press I’ve been featured on the Dolce Press blog for my new CD/DVD cards. Alex does wonderful work

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone, I just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful new start to the year. 2008 was my best year ever with the

Rachel and Morgan

On a sunny summer day in St-Leonard, I had the pleasure of taking photos of two little kids who are awaiting a

Little Thor-Bjorn

I’ve been terribly behind in my postings so bear with me as I catch up. Here are some shots of the little

Busy busy busy

I’m happy to say that this has been the busiest summer for me yet and it’s such great news. This means

Thoughts following the YES montreal Workshop

On Monday, I went to the 8th annual workshop hosted by YES (Youth Employment Services) Montreal. It’s an