Tag Archives: Bébes | Baby

Another duo of beautiful little girls! – Montreal Children’s Photographer
Some photos taken this summer, I am just catching up now on some great sessions from this year. I love these two little

Great loving family – Montreal Family Photographer
This is one of the sweetest families I’ve ever had the chance to photograph. They just had another baby, a little

What a Cutie-Pie! – Montreal Baby Photographer
Some photos from a recent shoot with the cutest of cutie-pies! From the moment I showed up, this little girl was all

Plus one makes five – Montreal Family Photographer
Some photos from two different sessions this Fall, while waiting for baby and after baby has arrived! They are so happy

Adorable newborn Gabriel’s birth announcement
My friend Vanessa called me to take photos after the birth of her second son Gabriel in order to make a birth

Handsome Little Benjamin
I’ve followed Benjamin now from when he was in mommy’s belly to 7 months old. This my 3rd photo session

Emily Violet
One of my closest friends gave birth during this year’s super bowl, I’ll never forget the email we got