Tag Archives: Vivian Doan Photography

Family of six!
What happens when I do a session with four young boys? Magic happens… these boys were seriously the best behaved

Happy Easter – Joyeuses Pâques
I love that my son goes to daycare. I feel that it is so important for him to have the social interaction with other

“it’s spring when the world is puddle-wonderful” – E.E. Cummins Just a few photographs from

Gorgeous Mama-To-Be
Today I have the pleasure of meeting the little guy who was in the belly of his gorgeous mommy. He will be about one

39 weeks 4 days
This was the first time I’ve photographed anyone 3 days from their due date. I never book sessions after 37

Portrait of a Mason
What I am working on this evening, portraits of a professional mason complete with hard hat! We did the session in

My little man with my dad
This week-end we got our weekly visit from my parents. My son loves my parents. He sees them almost every week so

Sneak Peak
I’m working on this awesome family session. Here is a portrait of each of the kids while they were doing a

Dina & Joel
Another wedding on the blog, this time it’s Dina and Joel’s wedding. I really really love these guys.

Real Estate Agent Portraits
I had the pleasure of doing a session with two beautiful high-end Montreal real estate agents. Even though it was the

Photo of the Day – my Husband’s new album
Last week I went out with my husband to shoot his album artwork for a new solo acoustic album he will be releasing in

Newborn Bliss | Vivian Doan | Montreal Baby Photographer
A little sneak peek at a little 6 day old newborn I shot this past week-end! I was in love I tell you. He was such a

Un bel après-midi au Parc Lafontaine – Photographe de Familles à Montreal
Voici un “sneak peek” d’un bel après-midi d’automne au Parc Lafontaine avec une belle famille

Belle journée avec une famille super sympa! – Photographe d’enfants Montréal
Voici des photos d’une famille vraiment sympathique et photogénique il y a 3 semaines durant un dimanche

Seriously cute kids – Montreal Children’s Photographer
I went to Ottawa/Gatineau in the summer for a contract and visited my friend Cindy. We went to McGill together many