Author Archives:

Charity work at Les Effrontes
Recently I took some photos at a charitable event set up to help women return to the workforce by giving them a new

Nightlife Magazine photo
The local Nightlife magazine has used one of my photos of Me Mom and Morgentaler for an article on their upcoming

Possible HOUR magazine cover
Potential cover shot for next week’s Hour magazine! My fingers are crossed…

Mikaela and Gabriela
More photos of adorable children, this time two sisters Mikaela and Gabriela!

More Kids!
Here are some photos of a family of four kids! Matthew, Lori-Ann, Amy and little baby Ryan. What a beautiful family

My photo of Matt Lipscombe in print
My husband Matt Lipscombe just got a great review in the local magazine VOIR. I’m so happy about the review but

Baby Sofia
I just finished some photos of a very sweet little angel named Sofia! Check her out, what a cutie 🙂

Les Effrontés photo session
I just completed an Annie Leibovitz style attempt at a group photo of a studio of really talented and busy stylists

Life Passages
I was just added to the following website listing of photographers! Life Passages

Mummies List & Mummy Card
I just joined the Mummies List – which is a card that can be purchased that will give moms and dads in the city

Luca and Vanessa
Of course no photo blog is complete without more baby/toddler photos, this time of a brother and sister duo Luca and

Nilia Berkin – Whirlwind
Our friend Nilia Berkin asked me to help her do the design of her new album, soon to be released

Me Mom and Morgentaler
This past week-end my husband’s old band got together to reminisce and play some music and I managed to get them

Maman, Bébé et Café
Vivian Doan photography is now a proud partner of Maman, Bébé et Café – a magical space where activities abound

Bédaine et Bébé
Please check out this site for massage for pregnant mothers or post-pregnancy. Amelie also gives courses for giving