Author Archives:

Maternity Leave
MATERNITY LEAVE: Vivian Doan is on Maternity Leave until sometime mid-autumn to give birth to her first child. She will

Maternity Leave is coming up soon
As many of you know, I am expecting my first baby – my miracle baby – mid-July and so I will be wrapping up

Photo of the Day – my Husband’s new album
Last week I went out with my husband to shoot his album artwork for a new solo acoustic album he will be releasing in

Photo of the Day, our baby!
I’m so happy to announce that I’m having a baby this summer! I’ve kept it under wraps but we just had

Photo of the day – my lunch!
Just sharing a photo of one of my favourite meals, shrimp dumplings! Okay, to be honest, I ate more more than three

Newborn Bliss | Vivian Doan | Montreal Baby Photographer
A little sneak peek at a little 6 day old newborn I shot this past week-end! I was in love I tell you. He was such a

A punch of colour – winter is half-over!
My husband bought me a bouquet last week – this is just a detail from that colourful gift he got me me! Just

The year of the Rabbit is coming up!
To all my clients and friends who are having babies this year starting from February 3rd, 2011, your baby will be a

A couple of photos of my furry sweethearts
I love my cats – if it weren’t for my husband, I would probably have a house full of them but he keeps me

Christmas Gift
A really sweet and dear friend gave me this for Christmas this year, a wonderful surprise! I love it!! It makes me so

Lac Brome | Montreal Photographer
I recently purchased the ubiquitous iPhone and I never imagined what it would do for my photography. There are, as we

Un bel après-midi au Parc Lafontaine – Photographe de Familles à Montreal
Voici un “sneak peek” d’un bel après-midi d’automne au Parc Lafontaine avec une belle famille

Belle journée avec une famille super sympa! – Photographe d’enfants Montréal
Voici des photos d’une famille vraiment sympathique et photogénique il y a 3 semaines durant un dimanche

Seriously cute kids – Montreal Children’s Photographer
I went to Ottawa/Gatineau in the summer for a contract and visited my friend Cindy. We went to McGill together many

Beautiful Baby – Montreal Baby Photographer
When I posted photos of my niece, a friend asked me why I had not posted a photo of her niece since I did a session