Category Archives: Maternité | Maternity

Waiting for Baby
I met a lovely couple this month who were waiting for their first baby. What an exciting time! I remember it well. So

Beautiful Family
Another one of my family sessions from the past year, taken during magic hour at the bird sanctuary in Lasalle. I love

2014 New resolutions
One resolution is the post more to my blog. I’m the worst blogger around!! being a photographer means doing so

Maternity sneak peeks
I had a couple of beautiful mommies-to-be recently… just wanted to share. Working on lots of sessions from this

Gorgeous Mama-To-Be
Today I have the pleasure of meeting the little guy who was in the belly of his gorgeous mommy. He will be about one

39 weeks 4 days
This was the first time I’ve photographed anyone 3 days from their due date. I never book sessions after 37

En attendant Rose
Marie-Eve et David attendent leur premier enfant, une fille qu’ils vont nommer Rose. J’ai eu le plaisir de

Un bel après-midi au Parc Lafontaine – Photographe de Familles à Montreal
Voici un “sneak peek” d’un bel après-midi d’automne au Parc Lafontaine avec une belle famille

Une petite fille qui attend sa nouvelle soeur – Photographe d’enfants à Montreal
Voici des photos d’une belle fille qui attend l’arrivée de sa nouvelle petite soeur! Ces photos ont été

Plus one makes five – Montreal Family Photographer
Some photos from two different sessions this Fall, while waiting for baby and after baby has arrived! They are so happy

En attendant Chéli…
J’ai eu le plaisir de photographier une belle famille juste avant la naissance de leur petite Chéli, qui vient