I’ve been terribly behind in my postings so bear with me as I catch up. Here are some shots of the little Thor-Bjorn on a beautiful wednesday morning in Westmount. His parents are the loveliest people both working towards helping our environment – very inspirational. I must say that after our photo session, I was inspired to change some of the packaging that Vivian Doan Photography uses towards more environmental recycled materials. This new packaging will be used once my current packaging runs out. But back to the little guy, what a cutie! His smile was so dear and he just melted my heart 🙂

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I’m happy to say that this has been the busiest summer for me yet and it’s such great news. This means however that I’ve been neglecting my blog duties. Please stay tuned for blog entries as I catch up!

To all my clients, please expect delays of about 2 weeks for proofs.
Thanks so much for understanding. Hugs to everyone!!

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On Monday, I went to the 8th annual workshop hosted by YES (Youth Employment Services) Montreal. It’s an organization geared towards helping English-speaking Montrealers in their various endeavours. This particular event was held at The Centaur Theatre on Monday of this week and was filled with artists looking for new ways to make a good life for themselves through their art.

Both Matt and I attended hoping to find new ways to promote our artistic careers and I have to say that it was a really well organized event. There was a lack of representation in the domain of Photography but I was really touched by the honesty and openness of the panel speakers. Making a name for yourself in the art World or even in general is a tough thing and it is reassuring to know that we are not alone in our quest to earn a living doing exactly what we love.

But the bottom line is to keep on doing it, and never look back… the phone will always ring, especially if you always put your best foot forward. It’s happening for me now! I spent so many years in a job that I just didn’t like and watched while all of these other artists were making names for themselves.

I recently read in Celebrity Baby Blog (Yes I know… it’s trashy at times but I can say I’m doing research right?) something really important that the actress Susan Sarandon said to her children regarding career choice:

“the most important thing is to find something that you really like to do, and if you do it well, that’s success, and you will be successful.”

I want everyone to remember this quote because it is TRUE… you will find success if you are doing what you love and do it in the best way you can. I’m proof of it 🙂

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Here are some photos of a beautiful family taken on a gorgeous day. The pinks and greens can finally be seen and I look forward to many more outdoor sessions as the weather gets nicer and nicer. Alessandro just had his 1st Communion and these photos were taken to commemorate that special day for him with his family.

Let’s do a sun dance for more sunny days where we can take photos outside… love the yellow dandelions and pink crabapples.

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Here is a recent session with a little 1 month old Nazmeen and her older sister, the gorgeous Mehnaz. I was so amazed at the range of expression from little Nazmeen, being so little. And well, the photos of Mehnaz speak for themselves. She’s just a dream to photograph.

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