I had a couple of beautiful mommies-to-be recently… just wanted to share. Working on lots of sessions from this spring and I promise I will blog a few of the sessions soon!
Gorgeous Natural Light Portrait Photography
I had a couple of beautiful mommies-to-be recently… just wanted to share. Working on lots of sessions from this spring and I promise I will blog a few of the sessions soon! I had the chance to take some portraits of my neighbour, the beautiful Amy Zanrosso is who an accomplished classical pianist. We did the session at the beautiful Beaubien park in Outremont where the light is simply gorgeous at the end of the day. The beautiful thing is that I get to listen to Amy’s lovely music every day by simply opening up my window. Just wanted to say Happy Mother’s Day! I’m shooting a great grandmother, grandmother, mother and daughter foursome today on this beautiful partially sunny Mother’s day. It was spring in Nashville last week. I thought that it was going to be a family vacation but deep down I knew it was going to be a working week for my husband, professional songwriter Matt Lipscombe, it being Music City and all. We went because he had a songwriting conference to go to and then lots of songwriting appointments. He wrote 4 songs while he was there. Not too shabby! So that meant that Lucas and I were going to spend a lot of time together. It was an incredible bonding experience for me and my son. It had been a while since we spent every single day, every hour of every day together. I found it challenging but incredible at the same time. We really do have this extra special bond now. Since Lucas is a toddler, I chose to do very simple things with him. So less sight-seeing and more just going to the Zoo or going to the park. Here are some photos of him just being a 21 month old. I don’t have many photos of Nashville itself as I spent most of my time with my little guy. And what does a portraitist do with a young child? Take photos of course! The Nashville Zoo has the most amazing play structure I’ve ever seen. It’s really safe and made of moulded plastic and wood. And they have a toddler tumble room with big huge mats for jumping around. Lucas loved this room and the play structure with all of it’s stairs and tunnels. I realized on this trip that I no longer have to fret so much about what toys to bring him. The answer is simple: his bunny and an iPad. Nothing else. He learned how to play with the hotel furniture and spent a long time just playing on the couch and in the drawers. His trucker look complete with hockey hair mullet. I got him this hat on our first day when I realized it was just way too sunny for him. He tolerated it when it was truly quite sunny but threw it off any chance he got. So in Nashville, boys do not have long scraggly hair… they just don’t. So even though Lucas is dressed like a boy, they still kept on calling him a “SHE”. Positive comments: “She’s so cute!” “She looks so happy!” “She seem so smart”… I feel like I have to cut it now. But the baby hair is so hard to let go of. I love it. I have so many more photos of Lucas and of Nashville but I have so much work on my plate and catching up so I will save it for another time! glad to be back… feels like Spring has arrived in Montreal too! My email exploded this week… so many new sessions booked for Spring! I love that my son goes to daycare. I feel that it is so important for him to have the social interaction with other children and adults and to do things he doesn’t do at home. This includes crafts. We rarely do crafts at home. I think that I’m too scared of the messes to be honest… but also, I don’t have the gear to do crafts either unless he wants to take some photos! Well he brought home the most beautiful Easter Egg after his last day of daycare before the holidays. I know I’m biased when I say it’s the most beautiful Easter Egg I’ve ever seen and it was made by my 21 month old baby. Thanks to his teacher Tara for turning my son into an artist! Happy Easter everyone! — J’aime le fait que mon fils va à la garderie. Je pense que c’est important pour lui de pouvoir avoir des relations avec d’autres enfants et adultes et de faire des choses qu’on ne fait pas à la maison, comme les arts plastiques. Mercredi soir, il est revenu avec ce chef d’oeuvre! Je pense que c’est le plus magnifique oeuf de Pâques que j’ai jamais vu!! Merci à son enseignant Tara pour avoir transformé mon fils en artiste! Joyeuses Pâques à tous! |