Can I say how much I love this little fella? He warms my heart. Sorry I’ve been off work for so long but I’m starting up again slowly and booking some Maternity sessions – perhaps a couple in the next month. It’s not easy to have a baby and get anything done around here but once my husband is back in good health (he sprained his knee slipping on the ice), I will be able to work a little more! Thanks for being patient with me! And kudos to all you mommies and daddies out there, I now understand you so much more!

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MATERNITY LEAVE: Vivian Doan is on Maternity Leave until sometime mid-autumn to give birth to her first child. She will be taking a limited number of sessions in the Fall so be sure to book early to reserve your spot. Thank-you!

CONGE DE MATERNITE: Vivian Doan est en congé de maternité de mi-juin a mi-automne pour donner naissance a son premier enfant. Elle acceptera un nombre limité de clients en automne alors SVP réservez aussitôt possible pour vous assurer une séance de Noel.

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As many of you know, I am expecting my first baby – my miracle baby – mid-July and so I will be wrapping up my Spring sessions very shortly. I most likely wont be shooting after mid-June. I hope that I wont be letting too many of you down as I prepare for my upcoming role as a mother. I will be taking about 3-4 months off and will be accepting a very limited number of sessions in the Fall as I try to juggle motherhood and working.

If you would like me to still take your family photos this Fall, please be in touch to reserve your spot as I will not be taking as many sessions as I used to. I wish you all a lovely summer!! Big hugs to everyone and keep smiling!

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