The event Mini Mardi Gras was such a success that it managed to collect over $12,000 for the Montreal Children’s Hospital.

The person who recruited me is the fantastic Nancy Ho, featured in her own portraits with and without the feathered mask. Here are some photos of the organizing team for Mini Mardi Gras and of my team of volunteers Julie and Basia, without whom I would not have been able to do this.

For those of you looking for the proofs from that event, they are not ready yet. I am looking towards the end of next week – February 19th or so.

The organizing team for this event are (for the two team shots):
Top Row: Lisa Grogan, Marine Chopin, Shelley Arrowsmith, Nicole Forsythe; Bottom Row: Suzanne Nguyen, Nancy Ho, Bo-Li Lau, Manuela Marques.

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Vivian Doan Photography will be participating in a very special SOLD OUT  event this week-end called Mini Mardi Gras. Vivian Doan and volunteer team Julie and Basia will be set-up in a booth at the Ukrainian Federation taking photos of all of the children attending! If you are attending, then cannot wait to meet you.

A GIFT CERTIFICATE worth $450 for the all-inclusive photography package will be given away as a door prize.

This event has been organized by the wonderful Nancy Ho. Please visit their website:

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