
I’ve followed Benjamin now from when he was in mommy’s belly to 7 months old. This my 3rd photo session with this lovely family, despite the fact that this little guy moved away from Montreal with mommy and daddy a few months ago! I’m so happy that his mommy contacted me to do this photo session in downtown Montreal in early May. He has grown into the most handsome little guy and I simply love the photos.

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It’s always fun to find other sites that have blogged Vivian Doan Photography. In this case it is another blog called Pressing Letters for the custom made letter pressed cards I have done in New York by Dolce Press. Thanks to Claudine Hart, designer extraordinaire for designing the flourish part of my logo that seems to generate a lot of attention in the design community. I reworked the text part of the original logo she designed for me in order to integrate both a French and English format. They got one thing wrong in the blog entry though, I’m not a wedding photographer per se – I do take photos at weddings but my specialty is portraiture for children and maternity and head shots!


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In the Fall of 2008, I met Julie Cusmariu at a show at le Divan Orange. She then contacted me a few weeks later to have some commercial portraits done for her website and blog. Since we are friends on Facebook, I noticed that she now has a weekly radio talk show and one of the photos I took of her appears on the website for the radio show! Here are some other shots from our day together. If you would like to see more, you can visit both her website and blog.




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I’m finally trying to catch up a little bit on my blogging and posting some photos that I’ve taken since last year, there have been so many photo sessions and so little time to blog! Back in March, I took some casting head shots for the beautiful little Tiana. She was such a delight to photograph, so sweet and simply gorgeous. 




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J’ai eu le plaisir de photographier une belle famille juste avant la naissance de leur petite Chéli, qui vient tout juste de naître, il y a trois semaines. Je suis vraiment en amour avec les photos de cette session – la lumiere était parfaite et on peut voir combien tout le monde est heureux en attendant le nouveau bébé. Grand frère Guillem est adorable et ressemble beaucoup à mon frère quand il était petit. 





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