
One of my closest friends gave birth during this year’s super bowl, I’ll never forget the email we got announcing the arrival of little Emily Violet. She’s one of the most beautiful newborns I’ve ever seen and I feel so privileged to have created this birth announcement for her. I had them printed up on archival Hahnemühle FineArt Photo Rag Satin postcards, hand cut and printed for my dear friend. Here is the announcement for the little one.

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My husband Matt Lipscombe and his cousin Andrew have formed a kind of folky blues duo named “The Lipscombes” recently and they are really a hoot to watch! I’ll post some photos of their latest show but here is a poster I made for their upcoming show in Quebec City. I took this photo at Andrew’s place, next to the infamous closet recording studio. These guys are so funny – they just lock themselves into this tiny little closet (literally) and jam all day long. They’ve got what people would call a Bromance going on… cracks me up.

Unfortunately I wont be able to make it to the show in Quebec City as that is a huge shooting week-end for me – I’m shooting a bar mitzvah, a baptism and a family photo session so I wont be able to go up to the romantic old city to watch them perform.

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I’m so proud to say that once again this year I got the cover of Oh! Bebe, the baby magazine for Montreal pour Enfants. The photos shoot remains one of my favorites, the baby Marine was so happy and sweet and amazingly photogenic!

The entire magazine can be downloaded using this link:




There are also three advertisements in this magazine for which I provided the photography:



Enfant & Compagnie on page 27

I have had the immense pleasure of taking photos a couple of times of one of the co-owner’s beautiful children. We had such a great time together, her kids are simply adorable.

Here is their lovely advertisement.















Azurewraps on page 48, the wonderful store in Maman, Bebe et Cafe in NDG. This wonderful little store sells almost anything related to babies that is ecological including their very own line of cloth diapers called AppleCheeks!

I took this photo last year for them and I am happy to see that they are still using the image in their print advertising!






And finally of course, my own advertisement! Love the little Chloe for this photo 🙂 One of my favorites of all time!

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Les Effrontes

Les Effrontés, a studio of stylists who can make you look absolutely fabulous, from head to toe! This is my third year in a row taking their group shot and I have to say that this last one is my favorite to date. I was inspired by my idol, Annie Leibovitz, of course and her infamous Vanity Fair covers and spreads with actors, directors and other assorted celebrities. What makes a great group shot is to give each person their own place in the photograph and not to have everyone just sort of clumped together in a tight group. Elida Arrizza assisted during the photo session.

I was also excited to learn that the individual portraits I took of each member of their team is featured biweekly in 24 heures magazine in a style chronicle. I will post an example once I get my hands on one!

If you are interested in having your style revamped, please visit: http://www.leseffrontes.com/

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One fine evening in Mont Tremblant – thanks to the wonderful warmth of host Holly Freisen – I got a chance to photograph a lovely spoken word artist named Moe Clark. A photograph from that session was used in the Montreal Mirror. Credit was not given to me but unfortunately these are the things that happen with local papers. Here is a link to the article with photo! 



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