Last night my parents and I went to the big bike shop on Ave du Parc with Lucas to get him a new bicycle. He was in-between modes of transportation. He just doesn’t want to scoot down the street, and he wasn’t terribly confident on the tricycle a neighbour had lent us. He is also a little bit too small for the balance bike we have for him. So my parents offered to get him a bike for his birthday, which is still 6 weeks away, so that he could enjoy every moment of the NO-SNOW situation we have going on right now.
We looked at a few models of 12″ bikes until we found this one. It’s a fluorescent Dyno brand bike and it was love at first sight. Once he got on this one, we couldn’t peel him off it. The guy even tried to tell us that Lucas might be ready for a 14″ bike so that next year we didn’t have to change it, but no – his heart was set on this one. And he even asked for a bell too. So my parents bought him his new bike, which he wants to call “snowstorm”. He rode it back to the car. And then couldn’t wait to ride it today and since it rained this morning, the maiden voyage was in the house, and I took him outside this morning before heading off to a shoot this afternoon.
He’s such a big boy. I love that he’s so grown up and yet I know he will only get older and older and then the baby will be completely gone. Reminds me to really enjoy each and every day as I live it, with my little big boy!
There’s one sad face in the photos, I told him the bell was way too loud for the inside and he wasn’t terribly happy with me. That didn’t last too long though… this bike has made him the happiest kid on the block! And coincidence is that it matches his helmet we got him last year, fluorescent mixed with blue and black. Go figure. The kid knows how to coordinate. I swear it will take a lot of will-power not to spoil this kid. I cannot resist the charms of my little toddler. He’s my ray of sunshine!