A photo of my son this past week-end just before he found a foil wrapped chocolate easter egg in the sand and ate it, foil and all. I love this age, this almost three years old age where he talks so fast and pronounces R’s like W’s – like Gwey instead of Grey. I have been absent from the blogging and the Facebook updates because in all honestly, I’ve been preoccupied with doing the best job I can while going through some really personal issues in my private life. I am happy to report that those issues are being resolved for the most part and I can regain my focus on working and on showing you all my latest work.
The website has a new look and brand new images from the past two years. It has looked like I haven’t been terribly busy but the truth of the matter is that I am a terrible blogger. I’ve revamped the website to look more like a website and less like a blog. If you want to see recent posts, of which there might not be many or there might be many depending on whether I am getting bloggy-with it, you have to click on Recent. I’ve tried to make the website bilingual, including the menu. Blog posts will be in either language depending on the language of the client posted.
Also, the portfolio is still being updated. I am having technical difficulties with technology, was on the phone for an hour and a half and still the issue is not resolved. So this is a work in progress.
One of the issues I face as a working mother and family photographer is my absence from my family during the week-ends. I take Fridays off to spend it with my son, but my absence is still felt in my family life. Since I photograph families, my week-ends are full and my family really misses me. I want to continue to shoot families and children. Starting in June, my price list will change but along with that will come incentive to do sessions during the week, at a discount.
Looking forward to all of those spring sessions coming up!