To all my clients and friends who are having babies this year starting from February 3rd, 2011, your baby will be a bunny in Chinese Astrology! If you were curious what your baby might be like, according to Wikipedia:

Those following traditional Chinese astrology consider people born in the Year of the Rabbit to make ideal diplomats or politicians. In Chinese astrological thought, a “rabbit person” is graceful, cultured, well-mannered, articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. Rabbit people are admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky. Although Rabbit people get along well with many people, at heart they are considered to be basically reserved creatures, and are only truly happy when engrossed in some sort of scholarly or intellectual activity. Rabbit people are considered too sensitive for the world around them; they are not able to thrive in competitive or aggressive environments, and are anxious when others force them to take risks. Their inner world is considered too delicate for unsettled or unpredictable situations, and they tend to create peaceful and comfortable atmospheres–like rabbit dens–instinctively. According to traditional Chinese astrology, this characteristic makes them very hospitable and attentive people, who take care of those around them.

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I love my cats – if it weren’t for my husband, I would probably have a house full of them but he keeps me in line and we only have three! I thought that I should try for a photo a day kind of project so that the blog is not only professional but also a little personal, so you can get to know me a little bit too! Top photo is my granny Tita who is 16 years old. And the bottom black cat is Lulu, the one who ran away in Little Italy for 10 days until I managed to find her again. Every time I look at her, I feel grateful and blessed that she decided to come back to us.

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A really sweet and dear friend gave me this for Christmas this year, a wonderful surprise! I love it!! It makes me so proud to have my own photography business and to have some really great clients and I just wanted to share this gift with you. Happy new year to everyone and I will blog more with lots of news to come!

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I recently purchased the ubiquitous iPhone and I never imagined what it would do for my photography. There are, as we know, millions of apps and a few of them simulate toy cameras. Now normally you would go out and buy a Holga ($60) or a Lomo ($150) or a polaroid and you could get these vintage style images from the cheap lenses and plastic casing. I had a Lomo once upon a time but it never really gave me that kitschy toy camera feel – the images were just kind of dull and poor so I sold it. But now, with my iPhone, I can take instant images without always having to lug around my big camera and I can get some really artistic shots that go beyond the perfectly exposed image. I am in love with my new camera (iPhone!!). I think I use it more as a camera than as a phone. here are a few sample images from last night in Sutton. I drove down the road that snakes along Lac Brome for a while and I caught the sunset, which can be extremely kitschy and cliched as a photograph but at the same time, quite the breathtaking spectacle.

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